Thursday, August 04, 2011

Craft Fantasy?

The expression "craft fantasy" is new to me, but Tanita Davis at Finding Wonderland and Charlotte at Charlotte's Library use it in posts on The Glass Swallow by Julia Golding. Evidently it refers to fantasies involving characters who make things.

But I may be wrong.

Nonetheless, I love definitions and classifications, so I latched on to it.


  1. Interesting term. I can’t find a usage of it before Charlotte’s Library on 13 July, and Finding Wonderland picked it up from there. I also can’t tell from several reviews what makes the book fantasy.

  2. My knowledge of fantasy is shaky, but I googled it and got nothing.

  3. Your definition is just what I had in mind! I just really like reading books where the central characters are invested in craft activities of various sorts...One of my favorite sub-genres of the craft fantasy is the "textile fantasy"-- here's the post where I get started with that!

    I haven't read The Glass Swallow yet, but I was assuming it was fantasy based on the alternate world...
