Monday, February 27, 2012

Let's Get Serious About Hitting A Few Of These Blogs

I have doubts as to whether or not I will live long enough to visit all the New England SCBWI member blogs. It's not that there are so many (though it seems to me that there are). It's that I'm so slow.

Today I hit the forwordsbooks blog. forwordsbooks is "a website containing information about and access to Jewish books." The president also offers workshops on using Jewish children's literature. I'm not really seeing the writer connection with this blog, but it is listed at the NESCBWI site.

NESCBWI links to Anna J. Boll's LiveJournal blog Creative Chaos II. I prefer Creative Chaos, which is part of a more traditional At Creative Chaos, I can easily access info on Boll, whom I've heard of because she's the Northern New England Regional Advisor for SCBWI, and her name turns up in NESCBWI circles. She's done some posts recently on critique groups, which I hope to find time to read.

Freelance Ne'er-do-well is Ellen Booraem's blog. It looks as if she does book reviews, and she plans to be blogging about a recent trip to Ghana.

Ann Bedichek is a pre-published writer who blogs about historical fiction at Historical Fiction for the Classroom. Historical fiction! That subject keeps turning up here.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Gail! Thanks so much for stopping by Creative Chaos. I recently shut down my LiveJournal hosting in favor of WordPress which is the site you say you like better. I do too. It's a cleaner layout. I'll continue to post SCBWI member info on Mondays, book reviews on Wednesdays, and personal info on Fridays. I hope you and your readers will visit and comment on again, and again!
