Saturday, November 05, 2022

A New Publication For Gail: Julie Powell And A Mini Blogging History

Kenny Eliason @ Unsplash
I spent a lot of time earlier this week reading articles about Julie Powell who died on October 26 at forty-nine-years-old. That's just forty-nine, folks. She was a blogger, back in the day, but her blog went seriously big time, turning into the book Julie & Julia and then the movie with the same name.

I wrote what I like to call a flash essay about how Powell is representative of the arc blogging has followed over the last twenty years since the two of us became bloggers. Julie Powell and the World of Blogging was published today at Feedium.


  1. Thanks for sharing this. I was stunned to read about her death. I stumbled into blogging in 2006, having no idea there were blogs on so many topics. For me, it was an academic exercise. I wanted students to blog and realized I couldn't ask something of them I hadn't done myself. I certainly don't post as often as I did in those early years, but I still find it a helpful outlet for writing, thinking, and connecting with others.

  2. I know. I was stunned, too. It's not as if I was following everything she did. I really think it was because she was a blogger at one point. A blogger at the time I was getting started.
