Monday, February 07, 2005

Here and There on the Internet

Confessions of an Idiosynchratic Mind has listed the Edgar Award Nominations. Since there are nominations for YA and Children's books, I'm linking. I haven't heard of most of these books, but I guess that's why genre awards are a positive thing. They give titles some publicity.

Though, quite honestly, I've heard about so many award nominees, winners, honor books, etc. this past month that I don't think I could ever read them all. Thanks to Blog of a BS for the link.

That story about high school students just not being that into the first amendment sure has been getting around. It even made its way into our dinner table conversation last night. Mainly because I brought it up. Our guests were two college students, one of whom just graduated from high school last June. When I started talking about a study that indicated high school students weren't terribly concerned about freedom of speech, her response was that high school students have no freedom of speech, themselves. How much should they value something they don't experience in their own lives?

I think she made a very interesting point. Perhaps another million dollar study is in order?

YA Authors Cafe, which I believe I've mentioned in the past, will be running a discussion with some YA authors on point-of-view on Tuesday, Feb. 15 at 8:30 PM EST. I've had a lot of trouble with point-of-view in the past so I'm interested in reading what these people have to say. Will I remember to go to the YA Authors Cafe on the evening of Feb. 15? Will I be able to figure out how to use whatever they have for a discussion board? I will let you know.

If I don't forget about the whole thing.

Thanks to Kidlit for that last link.

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