Monday, November 21, 2005

November Disaster

No, I'm not talking about an election. I'm talking about my National Novel Writing Month experience. I did much better last year. I hit the 50,000 word goal, though I was nowhere near finishing the novel. I worked away every day, and I was all pumped up.

I got off to a terrible start this year, unable to even start until November 3. (Can't remember why.) I've been unable to work on weekends because of all kinds of family commitments. Relatives seem to be coming out of the woodwork this month. Well, the relatives weren't to blame for that 14 mile hike I did on the Airline Trail, I suppose, but that was only one day. And then there were distressing things going on on the street and appointments and on and on and on.

Of course, I was working on essays this year instead of a novel, which probably means I wasn't doing National Novel Writing Month at all. And therefore I have nothing to feel badly about? I do feel I'm doing some good work, though I've only finished two essays with big chunks done on two more and lots of bits and pieces of others. Here is what I've discovered about's all about the title.

Part of my plan for this month was to try to improve my work habits. To that end, I reread the portions of Writing in Flow: Keys to Enhanced Creativity by Susan K. Perry that I had underscored when I read it the first time. (I'm not linking to Perry's website because it's too cringe worthy.) I had all kinds of great ideas last week, thought I was making real progress, was going to start writing a book a year.

Then today came. I did a little bit of backsliding. Oh, yeah.

The rest of the week is not shaping up well. I'm thinking of throwing in the towel, and if I have any extra time spending it reading. Of course, by next week I'll be so out of essay writing mode that it will take me until December to get back into it.

Next year I think I'm going to do my month-long intense writing experience during a month when there are no holidays. And I'll plan better for it, making sure that I don't make any appointments during that period. Hmmm. That could work. Maybe March or October?

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