Sunday, June 25, 2006

Should I Do This?

In February I saw my old editor at a writers' retreat. She told me I ought to speak with my publisher about attending a conference. She mentioned ALA, which just happens to be holding its conference now.

This sounds awful, but my big interest in conferences (as I've said before in relation to Book Expo America) is collecting free books. Fuse #8 and Roger Sutton are both at ALA right now, and they seem to be doing a lot of eating.

It's not that I'm not interested in eating, but I'm afraid that it would be time I could be using to collect free books. Or fondle them in my hotel room. Or organize and pack them for the trip home.

1 comment:

  1. Fear not. During the day I collected book after book. The eating took place mostly at night. And even then, the publisher parties consisted of tables laden with free ARCs alongside more strawberries than a human body could consume.
