Thursday, June 15, 2006

Start Your Engines

I am all primed and ready to go for The 48 Hour Book Challenge. I am starting at 7 a.m. tomorrow and reading and blogging until 7 a.m. Sunday, which will give me half the weekend to spend with family members who will appreciate my presence no end, I am sure, if they notice it at all.

Yeah, I know, I'm taking Friday off to do this. But I don't feel I'm being obsessive (really) because I'm doing all my reading on one theme--magical realism--so I'm sort of spending the day studying or doing research. Plus, my next book is headed to the copy editor, and I had a really good idea for the second one while I was eating a bowl of cereal this morning. So I'm kind of ahead on my work. If you think about it.

I collected my list of books from members of the child_lit and adbooks listservs. I took the list to two different libraries last week. I'm not sure how many books I brought home. I just kept snatching them off the shelves.

Today I read an article entitled What Is Magical Realism, Really?" to give me some context for my reading. (Or, in other words, to give me some idea of what I might be doing for the next two days.)

I believe in setting modest goals, so I'm expecting to read only 3 to 4 books, but hoping to do much better than that.

Now I'm going to go walk on the treadmill to increase my endurance for the ordeal ahead of me.

And I'm going to spend the evening checking the MotherReader blog because she says she's going to post more rules. More rules! Like what? What?


  1. Actually, it's not really so much more rules as a rules refresher, so don't worry. Nothing will be a surprise.

  2. Oh, and btw, top of my list to read - Happy Kid.
