Friday, December 29, 2006

I'm Being Buried Here, Folks

The new Horn Book arrived today. I don't think I even opened the last one. I'm not even sure where it is.

I haven't read Newsweek in at least a month, maybe more, and I gave up reading the daily paper about two weeks ago. And, of course, there are any number of print-outs of articles floating around here for me to go over.

We have to have our Cybils list in tomorrow night. I can't wait to see what's been going on in the world while I've been reading.


  1. I know what you mean! I've got a stack of unread magazines on the dining room table waiting for me to catch up when we finish the Cybils. Even so, I think I'm going to go through withdrawal after tomorrow.

  2. I've been worrying about that. But I have two real work projects to take care of next month as well as a brief vacation. And, to be honest, there are two rooms in this house that fell apart the last four weeks. So I'll probably get over it pretty fast.

  3. Ditto what Sheila said.
    I'm going to get back to my revision of my paranormal. That, and read the latest Meg Cabot chick lit book, SIZE 14 ISN'T FAT EITHER.

  4. Anonymous1:41 AM

    I just have stacks and stacks of unread books in my room and out on my landing in boxes ! I rarely buy magazines and never newspapers - I read the newspapers online !

    I'm looking forward to catching up on my library books - although there are some Cybils books I didn't yet get to, that I will keep for now to read - several of them are sequels, so I will be pestering the library for the earlier books...
