Monday, March 05, 2007

This Explains A Lot

I've whined here before about how last year I was taking part in A Novel in a Year, a column written for The Telegraph by Louise Doughty. Each week she wrote about some aspect of writing and those of us who were working on a book with her used those columns for our own projects. And, of course, I fell way behind, and when I went back to the site in January, everything was gone.

Come on. Stuff stays up on the Internet for eternity, right?

Well, today I discovered that Doughty is writing a book, A Novel in a Year, based on the column. Coming out in June. This may very well be why all her material was removed from the website. She quite logically doesn't want to give away what she will be charging for in a few months.

Say! My next book is coming out in June, too!

Not that the two events are in any way related. But I thought I should mention it. Again.

The column Doughty is writing this year for The Telegraph really isn't doing much for me. It's about a writer's year, and since most writers' years are far more fascinating than mine, it seems rather masochistic to keep reading it.


  1. Actually, I'm glad to hear that she's publishing a book of the column. I wasn't following it, but in theory the idea appealed to me.

  2. When I first became involved with the column, I thought it had the makings of a book. Not until I got a chance to work through the column, though!
