Sunday, March 18, 2007

Tragically Slow

On Friday A Fuse #8 Production included a post about three books that were about to be published in paperback with different covers and titles than they had when they were originally published in hardcover. I, of course, offered my two cents, which was, essentially, "Blah, blah, blah, blah-blah."

Well, I was telling one of my family members about this whole thing at dinner (Yes, Fuse, we talk about you at the dinner table) two days later, when I realized I'd had something similar happen with my second book, A Year with Butch and Spike. The title remained the same, but the cover changed. I have no idea why this happened. I believe I asked once, but if I got an answer I've forgotten it. I'm not very good about details.

Bringing up A Year with Butch and Spike in this context would be shameless, shameless self-promotion on my part except...the book is out of print! In hardcover, in soft cover, in any cover at all! You can't buy the thing anywhere!

But the covers were nice, weren't they?


  1. Woo-hoo.

    Let's see... checking off "Become Dinner Coversation" on my list here. Now I think it's time to move on to "Become Elevator-Stuck-Between-Floors Conversation".

    By the way, I'm a fan of cover #2.

  2. It's out of print? That's a shame. I really enjoyed that book! I liked booktalking it,too. (The field trip made a great jumping off point.)

  3. Reading Fool--Are you aware that the field trip was inspired by the Hale Homestead in Coventry? I was a field trip chaperon there twice.
