Friday, April 13, 2007

I'm So Sorry

The Seven Imps have an interview up with John Green. I usually can't get to their interviews right away, but for reasons that will become clear in my next post, I'm a little ahead with my blog reading today so I went for it.

This guy sounds so interesting that I'm left feeling really sorry I didn't like Looking for Alaska more than I did. I have hopes for An Abundance of Katherines, but I haven't read it yet.

I felt the same way after reading Miss Erin's two-part interview with Dia Calhoun. Calhoun's sincerity in wanting to write about her response to the attack on the World Trade Center was very touching, and I wished I liked the result, Avielle of Rhia more than I did.


  1. I read Abundance of Katherines first and really liked it. Kind of a guy teen angst, but funny, and more important, smart.

    Wanted very badly to like Looking for Alaska, but it didn't do it for me. (though john green does. what a cutie.)

  2. Exactly! He's a charming guy, and I'd like to like something he's written.
