Sunday, June 24, 2007

Or You Could Wait For The Movie

Mark Peter Hughes has his Lemonade Mouth Across America blog up. Look what those maniacs did to their minivan. On Tuesday afternoon, NPR is going to be running another one of his commentaries on All Things Considered. I'm sure I'll miss it, so I'll try to catch it later at the NPR website.

Here is my book promotion plan for this summer. I'm going to Portsmouth, New Hampshire for one weekend next month to celebrate a family event. If I stumble upon any bookstores, I'll go in to see if they have any of my books. Then I'll offer to sign their copies.

Yeah, I'll let you know how that goes.


  1. Actually, if they believe you are who you say you are, it might work out a treat - they'll be thrilled.

    But it's that proving who you are thing... unless you've got a pic on the cover? Or can your agent call ahead?

  2. I only started offering to sign stock a couple of years ago. I was too intimidated before. Plus, I don't often see my books in bookstores. (Some in Vermont and eastern New York because I have one book with historical tie-in.) So it's not as if I do this a lot.

    But I have never had anyone question if I was who I said I was. One time I asked if they'd like to see some identification, and the sales clerks just laughed.

    Actually, though I do carry business cards, I would be hard put otherwise to prove I'm Gail Gauthier because most of my ID uses Gauthier plus my husband's last name, and a lot of card companies will only use my middle initial instead of my complete name.
