Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I'm Not The Only One Who Really, Really Likes Them

Just yesterday I posted about my stint as guest reviewer at the Buy a Friend a Book Week site. Today I found two bloggers writing about two of the three books I recommended.

Leila at bookshelves of doom liked A Certain Slant of Light so much that she's probably going to go out and buy her own copy. And Colleen at Chasing Ray has very good things to say about Corbenic in a post on accepting the call in quest stories.


  1. A Certain Slant of Light IS awesome. I'm still astounded that it went directly into pbk and never had a hardcover version.

  2. I don't know if that's a statement about the quality of the book (like a movie going directly to DVD) or if it just happened to be accepted for publication by an imprint that does paperbacks. I've read lots of good things about it.
