Friday, October 05, 2007

How Exciting

I just got The Invention of Hugo Cabret from Reading Fool's library yesterday and look! J.L. Bell has done two posts on said book at Oz and Ends! I try not to read in detail about books I'm planning to read, so I haven't yet looked at more than the titles of those posts. But they're there. You can read them.


  1. Hi Gail,

    I've been reading your blog quite consistently for the last couple of weeks. It is now the first one I visit every day. Please keep it up. You don't need an editor. You don't need to temper yourself. It is actually quite a relief to hear many of my same thoughts echoed here. Thanks for the time you put into this. It is not in vain!!

    Karen Day

  2. Oh, no! Now you've encouraged me.

  3. One of these days I'm going to get to read it, too! I haven't even gotten to peek at it yet. There have been too many holds on it. (It doesn't help that I keep ordering 24+ YA books at a time that I feel I should look at/read before I get to the J side of things.) I'll be looking forward to seeing what you have to say about it.
