Thursday, November 13, 2008

My Mail

I've spent a chunk of my evening trying (and not succeeding) to catch up on the back reading in just one of my listservs. I've found a couple of juicie things to share, though.

A discussion of graphic novel picture books led me to the title Ug: Boy Genius of the Stone Age. What struck me as particularly interesting about this is that the author, Raymond Briggs, also wrote the graphic novel When the Wind Blows, which I had never heard of until this very afternoon. How weird is that?

Then I found out about another one of those terrific Slate slideshows. This one is on Books to read to your children during a financial crisis. It's from back at the beginning of October, so I'm kind of late with that. But the financial crisis is still here, so it's all good.


  1. Thank you so much for pointing out this slide show. I really enjoyed it, though I think they cheated a bit, including Little House as a book and a television series!

    I also think Bud, Not Buddy would have been a good choice.

  2. I have to admit, I didn't have time to read more than the first slide before I posted the link. I just finished the whole slide show and feel myself teetering on the brink of depression, myself, and not an economic one.

    Reading the account of the popularity of the Little House books reminded me of when I read them. I read the whole series when I was in college. I found The Long Winter so disturbing that even though it was summer every time I went outside I looked up at the sky, worried about snow.
