Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sending You To Another Blog

I just did some catching up with Shelftalker and found three particularly interesting posts.

Adult Authors + Kid Lit = Often Imperfect Fit?

Awards That Went to the Wrong Books.

And the post that really raked in the reader comments? Who Are Your Literary Crushes. Notice the votes for Harriet Vane. Barf.


  1. Hee hee! Not a Wimsey fan, then, are we? I finally started reading these to see what the fuss was about. I think I like the Gladys Mitchell "Mrs. Bradley" whodunnits better.

  2. I definitely was a Wimsey fan back when I was in college and thereafter, but I'm of the school that believes Harriet Vane destroyed the franchise. Moving the focus of a mystery from mystery to romance is always a mistake as far as I'm concerned, anyway. But I also think the books that include Vane read like fanfiction--an academic, scholarly, mystery writer, much like Sayers, herself, wins over the hero.
