Saturday, April 04, 2009

Big News From ShelfTalker

When I said earlier this week that I was having trouble finding blogging booksellers, I'd forgotten all about ShelfTalker, which is, indeed, "A Children's Bookseller's Blog." If I ever actually blushed, my face would be quite red because I was just blogging about ShelfTalker, myself, a couple of weeks ago.

And I'm going to blog about it again today because there's big happenings over there. A couple of new booksellers (at least new for ShelfTalker) are going to be taking over blogging duties at that site. Elizabeth Bluemle and Josie Leavitt of The Flying Pig Bookstore in Shelburne, Vermont (right on Rte. 7, folks) start posting on Monday.

I enjoyed Alison Morris's reign at ShelfTalker. But it appears that she'll be guest blogging, so we won't have to do without her entirely.

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