Friday, December 04, 2009

Replacing Wine With Books

Last year at Christmas time I gave a book instead of wine as a hosting gift. (How's that for a nongender specific way of putting it?) I'm doing the same thing this year and to the same couple. I wanted to get them The Clue of the Linoleum Lederhosen because I got them something by M.T. Anderson last year, and I thought I might eventually make them into groupies. Plus I think Linoleum Lederhosen would make a great crossover book because of all the references to books adults read back when they were not adults. In fact, I wonder if it might go over better with adults than with kids for that very reason.

But the bookstore I was in didn't have it. It did have Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, which I think is an excellent choice for a male/female couple because it is a truth universally acknowledged that women like Austen and men like zombies, right?


  1. That's a really good idea. What was the feed back?
    I'm not sure how my usual wine recipients would react to receiving a book instead, but it's an idea worth thinking about.

  2. They sent me a thank you note last year prior to reading the book--assuming they did. I don't see these people very often, so there haven't been any opportunities for them to just casually rave about Octavian. If I manage to get to their house and if they mention it, I'll report back.
