Tuesday, February 02, 2010

The Hunt For Science Fiction

Charlotte's Library, which is a blog specifically about fantasy and science fiction for children and teenagers, does weekly roundups of blog reviews of middle grade fantasy and science fiction. You'll also find posts there on new scifi and fantasy releases.

You'll have to go through all these yourselves to work out which are science fiction, but you should at least be able to find some there.


  1. Thanks so much for the mention, Gail!

    The line between science fiction and fantasy seems to be growing more and more blurry in my head every week; even when it's a book I've read I don't always know if it's one or the other. So I'll keep leaving that distinction up to the reader !:)

  2. Except in my own reveiws, of course, when I get to assert my own opinion!

  3. I'm wondering if a lot of people are beginning to think that fantasy is science fiction. I've just started getting that feeling. Perhaps it's time to make two distinct categories instead of lumping them together.

    The first cut for me is that if there's anything that can possibly be described as magic in a book, it is not science fiction.
