Friday, May 14, 2010

Some Local Kidlit News

The 2010 winners of Connecticut's Tassy Waldlen Awards includes One for the Murphys by Lynda Mullaly Hunt, a long-time and very active member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. One for the Murphys has also been accepted for publication by Nancy Paulsen Books, a new division of the Penguin Young Readers Group. It's a first publication for Lynda.

Training Report: Something like 2000 words revised today. Hot damn, huh? I want to do some serious plotting soon, hoping that will make things go easier in the future. That's always my hope--that things will go easier in the future and that I will come up with a plot.


  1. Hey!

    Thanks for posting this, Gail! I really appreciate it. I guess I should be more on top of these things, huh? ;-)

    Hope all is well!

  2. Seeing this old post reminds me that I used to do training reports. Hmmm. Perhaps I should start doing that again, especially since training has been going pretty well the past week.
