Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Happy Birthday, Shirley

Today is Shirley Jackson's birthday. If any of my regular readers are out there, you know I have a long-term relationship with Shirl. I believe I've done fourteen posts in which she's mentioned.

Thanks to Blog of a Bookslut for letting me know about this.


  1. Read Haunting of Hill House (Yes? I always get it mixed up with Hull House!) when I was working a graveyard shift in Hollywood, passed it around to all my co-workers, then snuck up on their booths in the middle of the night and made thumping noises on their doors. Oh, good times. :)

  2. I read it when I was a teenager, but recall very little about it. More recently I've read her short stories, many of which deal with women's issues in the 50s and 60s. She doesn't get much credit for writing about that.
