Wednesday, May 09, 2012


Well, people, I have joined Goodreads. I'm not at all sure what I'm going to do there yet, but that didn't stop me from signing on now, did it?

Feel free to look for me there. I'll be the person who's stumbling around.


  1. Are you a Goodreads Author?
    I became one, and now I hardly go there anymore. Mostly I use Goodreads during the Cybils to keep track of my reading, and see what else people are reading at the moment. I also tend to keep track there of the adult books I read and don't review on my blog - eons long SFF series and the like. I am not fond of their stars system, but I like to add a sentence or two to a review and remind myself what I've written.

    I don't consider the reviews anyone writes there as "real;" I'm still on the blogging/print review model...

  2. I just joined the Goodreads Author program, too.

    I'm thinking that at the very least Goodreads will give me an opportunity to try to get a little interaction with others regarding my reading of adult books. I don't have opportunities to see much in the way of reviews of adult fiction, so maybe just be exposed to what other people are reading will help with that, too.

    And, of course, Goodreads is supposed to be another social media platform for writers. I still have my doubts about how much good that does most of us, but it costs only time to try it.

    If I don't see much interaction there, I don't know how long I'll stick around.
