Friday, July 06, 2012

Publishing News

I recently learned that Alimentum has accepted one of my short stories for publication. No date has been set.

This will be my first piece of adult fiction to see the light of day, though I have published essays for adults. (Oh! And you can easily get to them by way of the link to your left, right under my most recent book covers.) The short story is around 1,000 words making it flash fiction-like. Flashish. Flashesque.


  1. Congratulations!! I've been thinking about getting back on that horse myself - short fiction is what you stop doing when you start doing longer, but ... why?

  2. Well, it is a different beast, and it has taken me a long time to grasp that. Also, I find the market research involved with short stories hugely time consuming. I tend to go where my whimsy takes me (Lord Peter reference) with short stories, and then I often find myself stuck with something to do with them afterward. To make matters worse, I'm finding that a lot of journals are doing themed issues now. Let's just say those don't work for me. At all.
