Thursday, February 28, 2013

OMG! I Am Listening To Shirley Jackson! Her Voice!

I worry that I use too many exclamation points. I've read that they're like bullying. Still, I am listening to Shirley Jackson as I type these words. I must exclaim, because I am, you will recall, obsessed with her.

On Valentine's Day, Jessa Crispin did a post at Blog of a Bookslut on the possible reasons behind Shirley Jackson's name being missing from the list of great twentieth century authors. In her post she has embedded a link to Jackson reading from her short story, The Daemon Lover on an album.

I couldn't make out the words, but it was her voice. At least, that's what Jessa says.


  1. Oh, neat!
    I always loved it when, in high school English courses, we got to listen to the original scratchy recording of voices like T.S. Eliot and the like.

  2. I remember listening to a few of those, though I can't remember the authors involved.
