Sunday, February 17, 2013

Weekend Links

My first link today is Little Miss Bronte JANE EYRE at Kelly Fineman's blog, Writing and Ruminating. Why? you may ask. Because it's a board book. A Jane Eyre board book. According to my calculations, I have posted about Jane Eyre here at OC twenty-three times. Because, you know, I love her. And that's enough to get you to link to a post about a board book, Gail? No, I bought the book Friday night. I am determined to spread my love of Jane to other generations of Gauthiers.

I found a terrific stash of podcasts at Write the Book. Write the Book is a radio program out of Burlington, Vermont that is all interview, and all "interviews with authors, poets, agents, editors, and illustrators." What I like about these podcasts is that they truly are "all interviews," which is why I keep repeating those two words. I've stumbled upon a couple of other podcast stashes in which the hosts describe their podcasts as including interviews or being about some particular subject but then organize the podcast as if it was a variety show covering a number of other things. Thus I am stuck listening to five or ten minutes of fluff before I get to the one thing I want to listen to. Write the Book...again...all interview.

Does Social Media Sell Books? Gillian Flynn's Agent Gives Her Perspective at Huffington Post has some interesting points. According to the interviewer, two of 2012's best-selling authors weren't terribly involved in social media, at least themselves. And agent Stephanie Rostan says, " matter how active an author is online, the conversation about them and/or their book must be picked up and carried on by others for it to truly have an impact on sales." I think a lot of people--writers and people in publishing, too, probably--forget that part. We have blogs. We have Facebook pages. That's not social media in itself. The group has to accept the message and pass it along to get the social part.

On that sad note, I need to sign off.

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