Monday, March 04, 2013

March Submission Madness Going Any Better, Gail?

Should I be thanking you for asking, or is that a slam because I was whining last Friday? Bah. I don't care.

Well, after running through a few other tasks, I was able to review my Facebook professional page (you know--the one that can be Liked, not Friended) because I will often post there about new lit journals I've found. Thus, the page is rather useful for me, because I can go back and find those things.

I've just been looking at something I found back in November,  The Review Review.  It's a lit review about lit reviews/magazines, with reviews and a listing of pretty much as many journals/magazines as you could never hope to get through, as well as interviews with editors and writers. Seriously, you could spend a large chunk of your life at this site. What drew me here was The Submitter's Dilemma. No, I do not recall how I found it.

New Pages does something similar, but in addition to lit mags, it covers independent publishers, bookstores, and record labels and some other stuff.

Lots and lots to wade through.

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