Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Cybils Are Coming

It will be time to start Cybilizing soon. The judges for the Cybils have been announced. Which blogger Friends of Gail will be judging this year?

Melissa Wiley from Here in the Bonny Glen, first round, picture books.

Karen Yingling from Ms. Yingling Reads, first round, middle grade fiction.

Alex Baugh from Randomly Reading, second round, middle grade fiction (I know Alex from The Children's War.)

Charlotte Taylor from Charlotte's Library, first round, elementary/middle grade speculative fiction

Sarah Bean Thompson from GreenBeanTeenQueen, second round, elementary/middle grade speculative fiction

Sheila Ruth from Wands and Worlds, first round, young adult speculative fiction

Tanita Davis from Finding Wonderland, first round, young adult speculative fiction

Leila Roy from Bookshelves of Doom, first round, young adult speculative fiction

Mia Wenjen from Pragmatic Mom, second round, graphics (I know Mia from Google+. I mention this because, yes, you can meet people on Google+.)

Kelly Fineman from Writing and Ruminating, first round, poetry

Anastasia Suen from Poet! Poet!, first round, poetry (Actually I know Anastasia from her work with Kidlitosphere Central and its listserv.)

There are also a few bloggers and blogs I recognize as well as many new ones I'm going to try to visit over the next few days.

The reading is going to begin soon.


  1. What a nice group of Friends of Gail to be included in!

  2. I was pleased to see so many people I knew. I was also pleased that there were some people I haven't known a long time, meaning I'm continuing to meet bloggers.
