Monday, February 17, 2014

Cheryl Klein, Jill Santopolo Talk Books And Writing

Before my oven gave up the ghost yesterday, I was trying to bring myself back up to speed with baking and listening to podcasts. I had to finish my baking on the top of the wood stove, but yesterday's podcast was a particularly good one at the Narrative Breakdown. This was Episode 35, in which editor Cheryl Klein and author/editor Jill Santopolo chat for around a half an hour about a number of fascinating things.

I was a little freaked out to hear that Santopolo submits a chapter by chapter outline to her editor for approval before starting to write the books in her Sparkle Spa series.  I suspect writing the books is easier for having the outlines. However, it would be an incredible struggle for me to come up with them.

According to Klein and Santopolo, editors may outline a manuscript they're editing to help them work out what happens where, or maybe even keep track of what is happening where. If you ever wonder what editors do for writers, well, there you go.

I'm working on outlining a completed manuscript I'm revising, and trying to outline a new project as I work on it. So you can see how outline talk attracted me while I was cutting out cookies.

Santopolo also talked a bit about some of the requirements as far as workload for students at the MFA program in writing for children and YA at Vermont College of Fine Arts. I felt as if I was getting a little insider info there.

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