Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Aunt Cybil Wants You

The Cybils folk sent out the call for judges this past Monday. I can't find anything about a deadline.

Can't commit time to judge? If you're a blogger, you support the Cybils in other ways.


  1. September 5th - but you're right. It should say that in the post. Will fix. Thanks for posting about the Cybils, Gail!

  2. Wow. Glad I mentioned it.

  3. Argh. I can't believe that we forgot to put the deadline!

  4. I suspect the people who did that post make their decisions right away and do what they have to do. They don't need deadlines. While there are others of us who go, " long do I have to think about this? Hmmm. I can get back to you on this?"
