Friday, January 30, 2015

What Did You Do This Week, Gail? Jan. 30th Edition

Not a stellar week. However, I did work on:

Goal 2. Short Work. Knowing that I was going to lose a lot of time this week to blizzardlyness and eldercare, I planned to work on short pieces, hoping that that would be a more efficient use of my limited time. I ended up focusing on one and even checking out a potential market for it. The market I'm interested in requires a number of either interviews or examples of some sort. I spent time collecting some on the topic I was interested in, then got diverted on the issue of getting permission for using quotes from published sources. I finally started writing yesterday and kind of broke down after para one. This morning I got an idea for going about things differently.

I'm going to save this project for weeks like this one or at the very least I'm going to be careful to commit only a few days a month to it. I don't want to commit a lot of time to this the way I did with a piece of flash last year that I haven't been able to publish.

Goal 5. Community Building. I completed and posted next month's Connecticut Children's Lit Calendar and did some networking with the Connecticut Women Writers Facebook group. I posted to a community on Google+, and I'll try to do some Twitter work this evening.

Goal 6. Marketing STP&S. This isn't so much marketing STP&S as marketing me. We're working on a cosmetic tweak of my website that's turned out to be quite a bit of work for Computer Guy and requires decision making of me.

As I said, not a stellar week. But what time I had for work I managed to commit to goals and objectives. So, hurray me.

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