Friday, January 22, 2016

What Did You Do This Week, Gail? Jan 22 Edition

Goal 1. Adhere to Goals & Objectives. Yes, indeed, I've been keeping track of what I need to do for the month and was very good this week about planning what I need to do.

Goal 2. Prepare Mummy Hunters for Submission. The draft is done, the synopsis is done (prior to this week to be honest), 4 cover letters were done, and 4 submissions were made. Did some more submission research.

Goal 3. Short Works/Programs. Put in some work on the writing strategies workshop. Accepted an invitation to speak at my town's school.

Goal 4. Marketing Saving the Planet. Received a request for a book donation from a service organization in this state and will send them STP&S. This is a multiplier, because it also meets my Community Building/General Marketing/Branding goal. 

Goal 5. Community Building/General Marketing/Branding. Made blog posts and promoted them. Reposted a blog post to Goodreads. Two Goodreads reviews. Two quickie Amazon reviews. Updated the website. Cybils reading and corresponded with my fearless Cybils leader regarding Cybils stuff. Began work on February CCLC.

A good week, especially when you consider I had two days of eldercare this week. But January is usually good for me. It's that new energy at the beginning of a new unit of time.

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