Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Time Management Tuesday: Once Again...Sprint!

Monkey Summer Continues

We still have more birthdays, a family member's move, an out-of-state trip, and a surgery in the family coming up. And that's assuming nothing uninspected comes up.This kind of
thing always leads to a nice case of monkey mind for me.

Sprinting...working in a short spurt...has helped me in the past during high family times. So I've been working sprints recently. I plan to squeeze in twenty minutes here and there.

The beauty of sprinting is that it usually leads to a little bit of flow and the next thing you know, you've worked a half an hour, thirty minutes, or more. You've made a submission, found another new publication to follow, rewritten those first few pages...again.

Sprinting keeps me in the game when the rest of my life is in danger of overwhelming the game.

Yeah, I know. Enough with the game analogy. Go do a sprint, Gail.

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