Sunday, January 19, 2020

Another Reading Retreat Week In The Rearview Mirror

A very successful retreat week. In addition to the stack of reading you see in the accompanying picture, I knocked off maybe 8 pieces of flash fiction on-line and untold numbers of articles on Meghan Markle, with whom I am growing bored. Additionally, I listened to an hour plus podcast for my history methodology ultralearning project. I did catch up on my Horn Book reading, which you'll be hearing about over the coming months and came up with at least one new flash fiction idea. I'll have to check my notes on that.

Speaking of ultralearning, I thought I posted last Tuesday's Time Management Tuesday post on my Ultralearning read last Tuesday. However, I didn't think to check to see if it went up successfully until I got home yesterday afternoon. So that arc will continue to drag on.

Hey, but whatever. I've had a week-long reading retreat and I'm feeling the calm. I would ask how to make that last, but asking how to make the calm last would wreck the calm.


  1. I'm glad you were able to have your retreat, and are "feeling the calm". I've been feeling the need for even a shorter reading retreat, but family and work schedules are not allowing that right now. I've been trying to figure out how to get to the calm without such a retreat, but haven't figured that out yet.

    I did pick up Ultralearning on my Kindle yesterday and look forward to giving it a look. Sometime...

  2. Last year I came up with this idea for treating Sunday as a sabbath/retreat type thing, meaning watching TV and reading. That didn't last long.

  3. Things do have a tendency to come up, don't they? My latest is trying to stop work at 4 to read for an hour before I pick up my daughter. Not much success yet, but I'm working on it...
