Friday, May 24, 2024

Friday Done List May 24

Goal 1. Adult Short Stories, Essays, and Humor

  • I've been making progress on that short story, writing multiple pages a day. I'm at a transition point now, I always have trouble with transitions, so I'm going to go work in the yard soon.
  • A humor piece I submitted a couple of weeks ago was rejected.
  • I changed the title of the rejected humor piece and submitted it somewhere else.
  • I also applied to be a writer for another humor site on Medium and was accepted.
  • I'm considering taking a workshop on short story collections. I'm not interested in sitting down and writing a short story collection, but it seems as if any short story talk would be interesting and possibly even helpful.
  • I am looking forward to spending the bulk of my work time on short-form work.

Goal 2. Submit 143 Canterbury Road to Agents

  • One of the agents I submitted to the week before last sent a rejection.
  • I'm getting ready to send out a few submissions for other book-length work, then put the whole agent search behind me indefinitely, because I really want to work on short-form work.
Goal 3. Community Building/General Marketing/Branding

  • Only one blog post beside this one.
  • I will do some promoting of that one pathetic blog post.
  • I joined a Connecticut author Facebook group, because you just can't be a member of too many Facebook groups. My main interest with this one is to keep up on book festival-type events. There seem to be a lot of them in this state. Far more than there have been back in the day. I suspect that they are primarily created for and by self-published writers, which just is another example of how hard they work.

Goal 4. 19th Century Novel, which is totally just for fun

  • I do a lot of on-line reading of subject matters related to my basic subject matter. Hit some good stuff this week.
  • I took an excellent workshop this week with author Hollie Smurthwaite through the Off Campus Writers Workshop that ended up being very generative in terms of this project. I've got lots of lists and notes that I now need to do something with.
  • I don't really want to commit to writing a book, because I want to do short-form work.

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