Friday, July 22, 2016

What Did You Do This Week, Gail? July 18 Edition

Goal 1. Adhere to Goals and Objectives. Oh, July, you are kicking my butt. And you're not done yet.

Goal 2. Prepare Mummy Hunters for Submission. Ah...ten minutes?

Goal 3. Generate New Short Work/Programs. Found a new place to make a submission.

Goal 5. Community Building/General Marketing/Branding

My eBooks Sales Post--Promoted blah, blah, blah
Time Management Tuesday Post--Promoted blah, blah, blah
Environmental Book Club Post--Promoted a couple of times
Goodreads Blog Post published.
Call for CCLC
Began work on CCLC

 Goal 6. Generate New Work: Submitted the picture book I've been talking about forever.

Have I used anything from the NESCBWI conference in April? Why, yes. I used something from the workshop on writing cover letters. Also, I used something one of my colleagues in in writers' group learned at the conference. Thank you, Nancy.

1 comment:

  1. You're welcome! And "yay" for your submission! Any goal met in July is worth at least two extra goal points, don't you think?
