Saturday, December 23, 2023

Some Christmas Reading

Annie Spratt on Unsplash
 I am sure that two days before Christmas, you have nothing to do but sit down with some Christmas reading. It turns out, I have a Christmas essay and a Christmas adjacent short story among my publications for you to kick back with.

A Minimalist's Christmas at The Bigger Picture

The Mother Suite at Literary Mama

Also, if you happen to own a copy of My Life Among the Aliens, there's a chapter there called Santa is an Alien? that I've considered republishing somehow for Christmas.


Ms. Yingling said...

Boy, do I feel this! Back in the 90s, there was a great article in a Lands End catalog by Garrison Keillor about how he was only giving postage stamps and boxed macaroni and cheese (or some similar items) for Christmas. My children were very young at the time, and their friends had such PILES of gifts that we started the tradition of just five: a book, an ornament, candy, a calendar, and one other present. Stockings were filled with tooth paste and underwear. I'm glad that you have been able to clean out and feel better about the stuff in your life. Dealing with previous generations of stuff doesn't make it easier. I hope that you have a great Christmas with your family. I'll be thinking of you as my daughter opens her traditional can of mandarin oranges this year!

Gail Gauthier said...

I'm not at all surprised that we're close on gift issues. And I've sent my sister boxed mac and cheese as a gift a number of times.