Sunday, September 12, 2010

Another One Of Those Things That I Must Not Desire Or I'll Become Unhappy

Just minutes ago I learned that a new critique group is forming in a town about twenty minutes from my house. I can't look into joining because of the family/work schedule I'm following nowadays. Sometime this past year I was asked to join a group that actually meets right in my town, and I had to pass on that for the same reason.

The two times I belonged to a critique group, I found it very time consuming. And that was before I had to cut back on my writing time. Reading the other members' writing samples and planning critiques came right out of my work day, and then there was the loss of an evening or two each month for the actual meetings. Since the work day (either business marketing or life maintenance) extends into the evening for me, as it does for so many others, going to group meant not doing something else, which then was left hanging over my head.

I like the networking aspect of critique groups, but as with everything else in life, I think it's an activity writers have to really give some thought to in terms of cost/benefit. Nonetheless, I'm aware I might be missing something.

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