Friday, July 19, 2024

Friday Done List

 Goal 1. Adult Short Stories, Essays, and Humor

  • Some of you may recall a short story I talked about for months and months and months this year. Well, I submitted to a publication.
  • I wondered all week what I should write next and finally started something this morning.
  • Took a workshop at the Northwestern Summer Writers' Conference. No Passports or Visas Required: Imaginative Travel Writing with Faisal Mohyuddin. Because I'm going to be traveling later this year, I projected onto this project what I wanted to see, which was a travel writing workshop. It was not about travel writing. It was about researching places and working them into writing. I've done this kind of thing before, where I've signed up for something believing it was whatever I wanted it to be. This time, just as with the first time, the experience turned out very well. Excellent workshop and generative, in that I came away with some thoughts for three writing projects.

Goal 3. Community Building/Marketing/Branding

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah. Some blog posts. Still have to promote them.
I'm in a remarkably good mood this evening, even though I know that next week I'll be tied up most days with family fun. But I have a work plan. What little writing time I have will go to tinkering with the project I started this morning. Otherwise, I will spend what other time I can spare reading. Reading is good.

I love a plan.

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