Monday, March 05, 2012

Some Excellent Book Marketing Material

You know how I keep talking about how I've been sick? (I've been siiiiick.) Well, I blew off my tkd class this evening, because I have to be in top form to survive an hour with the night crew, and I just spent a tidy chunk of time reading a five-part series called Marketing & Publicity for Authors at Through the Wardrobe, author Janet Fox's blog.

I am so happy that in Part 1 she said that a website "is truly the only absolute in publishing today. I do believe a personal website is essential to every author." A blog, on the other hand, she calls "not essential." More than once I've read in advice to new writers that they can do a blog instead of a website, a blog is the bare minimum, everyone needs to blog. That is just so wrong. A blog, by itself, just doesn't make hardcore info easy for readers to find. What's more, if you don't really have any material that compels you to write or you only update a few times a year...well, what kind of impression does that make on readers?

Between what Janet has to say and her many links, there is a lot of information in this series. And it's not all the same old "rah-rah social media will make your career stuff," either. Though I did find some information on how to do something techie I've been thinking about trying here.

My computer guy is going to be so happy.

Thanks to Cynsations for the great link.

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