Sunday, July 01, 2012

Canada Day Observance

Today is Canada Day, the day our neighbors (and, in my case, relatives) to the chilly north observe the anniversary of their confederation in 1867. My family comes from Quebec and then Ontario, two of the original four provinces in the confederation. Plus, we have a young family member who was born on this day. Therefore, I am going to observe Canada Day with links from Original Content dealing with Canadian writers, which means this is sort of another tenth anniversary post for me, since I'm hitting the archives.

I am beginning with a 2007 post, All Canada, All Day With Kenneth Oppel, because not only does it deal with Canadian writer Kenneth Oppel, it also refers to an Internet celebration of Canadian literature.

Then we'll do a few Anne of Green Gables links. Another Day is my take on the book, which I read while on vacation in the Maritime Provinces. The Land of Anne is all about my visit to Prince Edward Island. Loving Anne Shirley, Too is a two-fer. It's my account of an article about Canadian author Margaret Atwood in which she writes about Anne of Green Gables.

A Funny Book About Being Afraid refers to Rex Zero and the End of the World by Tim Wynne-Jones.

I get to write about Mordecai Richler, possibly my favorite Canadian author, in A Book for Your Younger Boys. In addition to his great adult work, Richler wrote the Jacob Two-Two books.

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