Friday, November 04, 2016

What Did You Do This Week, Gail? Oct. 31 Edition

Goal 1. Adhere to Goals and Objectives. This was a difficult week. I ended up with an extra day of elder care, and I'm volunteering tomorrow at the New England International Chinese Martial Arts Championships so I'm spending some time today prepping for that. But one of the things you try to do with time management and stick to goals and objectives with whatever time you do have.

Goal 2. Prepare Mummy Hunters for Submission. Except for spellcheck and word count, I finished the revision on Monday. I actually made a submission that day (editor only wanted three chapters) and am prepping for another sub that needs to be the whole manuscript.

Goal 3. Generate New Short Work/Programs. I did a little bit of market research for completed short work. Which doesn't really relate to this goal, but I don't have a goal it does relate to and I want to reward myself.

Goal 5. Community Building/General Marketing/Branding

Goal 6. Generate New Work. NaNoWriMo. I read over the work I did for NaNoWriMo in 2004. I'll have something to say about that on Tuesday. I will say now that I lost Day 2 when I needed to take over elder care for a sick family member who couldn't go. I bring this up because it supports last Tuesday's TMT post on NaNoWriMo and the What-the-Hell Effect. On Day 2 I was already behind. Day 3, today, was a day I wasn't going to be able to work, anyway, because of my own elder care work. It's November 3, and I'm already behind. What's the point of going on? Well, the point is to get some work done on this project, not to do well on NaNoWriMo. So I'll keep moving on.

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