Friday, April 08, 2016

What Did You Do This Week, Gail? April 8th Edition

Goal 1. Adhere to Goals and Objectives. Oh, woe. And the rest of the month will be worse.

Goal 3. Generate New Short Work/Programs. I've got to give up hunting for markets and just do some submissions. I want to have masses of markets. Give it up, Gail, and go with what you've got. Oh. Except I have less than I thought I did. I was going to make a submission this morning and found that the publication closed to unsolicited submissions, choosing to publish work brought to them by "consulting editors." This kind of thing happens frequently. Publications will stop considering unsolicited submissions or just shut down altogether. When I get frustrated enough with trying to market short work, I go write another book.

Goal 4. Marketing Saving the Planet & Stuff eBook. A lot of time this week went to finalizing details for the Norwegian textbook excerpt. And I've been staying on task pretty well with this month's blog promotion

Goal 5. Community Building/General Marketing/Branding.
Goal 6. Generate New Work. Spent some time on that picture book manuscript. I'll want to bring it to writers' group next week.

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