Monday, September 02, 2024

Labor Day Appears To Be The Ultimate Temporal Landmark

People are going nuts on my Facebook page about today being the last day of summer. Last week a seven-year-old relative told me he and his family were going to the beach this weekend, "the last weekend of summer." 

Talk about a temporal landmark! A temporal landmark being, of course, a calendar event that marks the passage of time and suggests an opportunity for a fresh start. Summer, as the little person in my family pointed out, is over, and it's time to start something new. Fall. The school year. Professional activities that had been on hold, because the temporal landmark of the beginning of summer triggers a time to do a lot less. At least for Americans.

I managed to have four humor pieces published this summer, one of which was selected for Medium's boosted program and did quite well for me. But, otherwise, the summer was difficult professionally. For many years that would have been because we had a sick, elderly relative. This year it was because everyone was well. A couple of us celebrated a birthday for a week. We hosted two family gatherings, which required a few days of preparation each. We had houseguests twice. We're heading off for a multi-week trip, which for us means a multi-week prep period. 

Zen tells me to appreciate those four publications, two of which were completely written this summer, and let go of my attachment to all the ideas I've had and couldn't follow through with because of fun and games. 

To be fair, during my vacation prep time I've been collecting work reading to do while I'm away and planning which writing projects I'll continue with first when I'm back at my laptop. In Gail World, that counts as writing, too.

But not as much writing as I hope to do in October. See you later.

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