Short-form Writing
Transgender soldiers date back to the Civil War by Petula Dvorak in The Washington Post. When I was a tween and teen reader, I loved reading about women who disguised themselves as soldiers so they could fight in the Civil War. I knew nothing about transgender issues. Didn't know they existed.
Why Simon & Schuster’s Flagship Imprint Won’t Require Blurbs Anymore by Sean Manning at Publishers Weekly. I hate book blurbs. As I've said here many times.
What Fruit We Bear by Megan Baxter in Sequestrum. This is so good it makes me feel, Yes, I must read short stories.
The Many Ways YA Books & The Community Isolates Teens at Vicky Who Reads: A YA Book Blog. I don't know how I stumbled upon this five-year-old post, but I 100 percent agree.
How Midlife Became a Crisis by Matthew Redmon in Wise & Well. This is a wow. I will never think about middle age as that boring old cliche again.
Three-Year-Old Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs by Angus Duffin in Slackjaw. Because I love Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
I’m Your Young Adult Child and I Have Twenty Acceptable Reasons for Not Putting My Stuff in the Dishwasher by Stacey Curran in Frazzled. I love teen voice lists.
How I, A Stay-at-Home Mom, Actually Wind Down in the Evening When My Husband Comes Home by Alexis Tai in Frazzled. Notice the line about asking the father to babysit. It's not babysitting if it's your own freaking kid!
A Series of Announcements From the Robertson Elementary PTA Spring Gala Committee Encouraging You to Please Support the Students Despite the Ongoing Apocalypse by Saba Khonsari in Frazzled. As a general rule, I don't care for apocalyptic books and movies, but I love apocalyptic humor.
God Attempts To Write A Novel In Seven Days by Rachel Reys in Slackjaw. You probably don't have to be a writer to get this.
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