Guess Not
I was thinking this would be a good time to announce that I read 72 books this year, which is up from sixty-something last year. However, Liz at A Chair, A Fireplace and a Tea Cozy read 256 and Suzi at Words, words, words read 366. So I guess maybe I shouldn't mention it at all.
Too late.
Another Fine Plan

When I was a child, up into my grade school years, I loved a book called 365 Bedtime Stories by Nan Gilbert. The stories were each a page long, though a big page, and they involved contemporary children and their neighbors living on Oh What a Jolly Street. Holidays would be worked into the stories, the family vacations, etc.
For years I've thought about trying to write something along the same idea--one page stories, interconnected, some stuff about holidays. This past year I came up with an idea to work with and just yesterday I came up with an idea for the January 1st story.
So I'm thinking, a one page story should be...what? two or three hundred words?...couldn't I do a rough draft of a story every day this next year? So I'd have a little something for each day?
Oh! Oh! I just had another idea! I could revise the book during National Novel Writing Month next November!
The book would practically write itself, wouldn't it?
That's always been my fantasy...a book that would write itself. By me.