Goal 1. Mummy Book. I had to go back and revise again before I could move on. This was pretty significant, actually, and it is allowing me to get the end of the book lined up. Until I revise that, too, of course.
Goal 7. General Marketing/Branding. I spent quite a lot of time learning to use Tweetdeck, which I'll be writing about here at some time. Lovin' the Tweetdeck. I also had an opportunity to submit workshop proposals to a Connecticut library.
Goal 2. Short Pieces. Because of Tweetdeck, I saw that a publication had opened for submissions for two weeks, and I submitted.
Goal 5. Community Building. I started work on next month's Connecticut Children's Literature Calendar and reposted an OC post to my Goodreads blog.
Goal 6. Marketing STP&S. Yesterday's Environmental Book Club included a little marketing for Saving the Planet & Stuff.

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