Goal 1. Adhere to Goals and Objectives. Yes, indeed.
Goal 2. Prepping Mummy Hunters for Submission. I'm researching more submission possibilities. I'm thinking of narrowing it down to agents who have Twitter feeds I like.
Goal 3. Generate New Short Work/Programs. Nearly finished a draft of one of the writing strategies programs I'm doing the beginning of March and turned the slide material over to Computer Guy who has already worked up a set of slides.
Goal 4. Marketing Saving the Planet & Stuff. A liiiittle bit of reading on Kindle Direct Publishing Select.
Goal 5. Community Building/General Marketing/Branding.
- The NESCBWI workshop descriptions were announced this week, and I went over them.
- I also posted the CCLC and distributed the newsletter. I marketed the calendar at CT Bloggers, the NESCBWI listserv, my Facebook page, two Facebook communities, and Twitter.
- I did the TMT post and marketed it at Facebook, a Google+ community, and Twitter.
- I also did two blog posts on picture books and marketed them to a Google+ community and Twitter.
- I reposted an Original Content post at my Goodreads blog and reposted excerpts from those two recent picture book posts (covering four books) in reviews there.
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