Before getting started, I read Fiction Podcasts Are Finally a Thing! Thank You, Sci-Fi and Horror at Wired. The author points out that nonfiction has monopolized podcasts. But "The past year has seen the rise of fiction podcasts, many of which follow a found-footage horror or sci-fi format." I listened to two podcasts mentioned in the article.
Welcome to Night Vale. I listened to Episode 1, which had an old-time radio broadcast vibe. What it didn't have was enough narrative for me. It was a news broadcast of the weird daily events in a town. However, my attention was divided, what with having to oil a shortbread mold and all. So I listened to Episode 2, as well. I still didn't warm to it.
Within the Wires. I admire the premise of this podcast series created by the people behind Welcome to Night Vale. What we're listening to is a directed meditation from hell. At the end of Episode 1, it becomes clear that it was created for a patient at a hospital. Again, though, I didn't feel I was hearing a real story. Supposedly, "As listeners move through the relaxation curriculum a deeper and more personal story unravels." But I didn't move on.
After that I spent a few moments trying to find a French language YouTube series I stumbled upon several evenings ago and haven't been able to find since. After that, I gave up and listened to music.

I'm taking part in Weekend Cooking at Beth Fish Reads. And you can catch up on all my Podcasts in the Kitchen posts through Pinterest.
I really liked Welcome to Night Vale, but I stopped listening after about a half year or so. I'm good with pod casts. I'm always behind so stories don't work for me (I do audiobooks). Instead I pick food or wine podcasts or listen to NPR shows.
I think that's why the nonfiction podcasts are popular. You can pick up all kinds of good things even if you can't catch every word said. While with a piece of fiction, if you miss something because the oven timer was going off, everything could end up coming down around you.
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