Friday, January 24, 2025

Does It Seem To You As If It's Been A Long Time Since I've Published Something? Because It Seems That Way To Me. A Story Behind The Story.

Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels
 Today my first humor piece of the year, Trad Parents: Learn How to Go Back to a Simpler, Happier Time  with This Sample of Titles From my Blog was published at Frazzled

As I mentioned just yesterday, I am freaked out by trad wives. Being old as mud, I recall the total woman period. So, I believe trad wives will go the same way total women did. We shall see. 

I don't recall the total woman thing being as rooted in nostalgia as trad wives are believed to be. I have a great distrust for nostalgia, perhaps because of my interest in history. Nostalgia became my jump off point for this humor piece.

If trad wives could be nostalgic, why couldn't other groups? The first one I thought of was trad parents. What would turning to, and embracing the past, mean for them? Giving up birth control, maybe? This parody raises the question of what the trad parents here are really nostalgic for...a past they never knew or a past with birth control?

Notice that I mention birth control three times in Trad Parents. That's the rule of three. It's used in many kinds of writing, humor writing being just one of them. 

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