Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Some Bloggy Bits

Through the March Carnival of Children's Literature at Jenny's Wonderland of Books, I learned that James Joyce wrote a children's book. (Submitted to the Carnival by Book, Booker, Bookest.) I wonder if it includes any epiphanies?

In Hardcover versus Paperback Redux, Justine Larbalestier talks about the difference in sales for a couple of her books. Read and think.

Check out the new blog The Kids' Book Corner from independent bookseller Suzanna Hermans. I know there must be blogs out there from booksellers, but I was having trouble finding any last summer. Another country heard from!

Today's Training Report: One piece for the 365 Story Project. Filled out a form giving permission for the use of a photo that makes me look much younger. Just barely began to research some more markets for short stories and essays.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Gail!

Thanks for mentioning my blog :)
